Scroll to Top
The Scroll To Top button lets users quickly return to the top of a page to access the site navigation. This component is particularly useful on sites with long pages.

Use on pages that are longer than 4 full screen heights
Always place the fixed "Scroll to Top" button on the lower right side of the page
Don't use on short pages
Built in accessibility
Keyboard Accessible
Users are able to use the keyboard to navigate through the scroll to top arrow using the ‘Tab’ key to navigate/focus and ‘Enter’ or ‘Spacebar’ to activate.WCAG 2.1.1: Keyboard This navigation is done in sequential and logical order. WCAG 2.4.3: Focus Order
Hover and Focus State
The scroll to top arrow has its own distinctive styling on hover/focus to provide a visual cue to the user that the element is focused and there is an action that can be taken. WCAG 1.4.13: Content on hover or focus
Color Contrast
A contrast ratio of at least 4:5:1 between text and background color is ensured to enhance readability WCAG 1.4.3: Contrast (minimum)
The component scales in relation to the to the screen size to prevent truncating content and reflows properly when zoomed up to 200% without horizontal scrolling WCAG 1.4.10: Reflow
Styles are applied to the component consistently including line height, font style, weight, spacing and color of text. WCAG 1.4.12: Text Spacing
Recommended icon dimensions
20px × 20px
16px × 16px