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UMDDesign System


Global University Header

Top-most UMD site header that contains global branding and may have additional navigation. All official University of Maryland websites, not including student sites, must be identified with the university header. 

Red strip with "University of Maryland" and 2 lines representing navigation links




SVGs are hidden from assistive technologies and effective alt text is used on the link itself. Effective text is used to describe what the link is and where it is taking the user. This is clear, descriptive text that conveys the link content succinctly and the purpose and destination of the link. WCAG 2.4.9: Link Purpose (Link Only)

  • Example of effective text: Visit the Instagram page of the University of Maryland


Provide effective alternative text for the site's logo. WCAG 1.1.1: Headings and Labels



Standard links may be turned off and on, but new ones can't be added.